Appendix A — Complete R script to Chapter 1

options(repos = c("", 
                  CRAN = ""))

## decide where you're working
mainPath <- "~/SpaDES4Dummies_Part1"
pkgPath <- file.path(mainPath, "packages", version$platform,
                     paste0(version$major, ".", strsplit(version$minor, "[.]")[[1]][1]))
dir.create(pkgPath, recursive = TRUE)
.libPaths(pkgPath, = FALSE) ## install packages in project library (proj-lib)

if (!"remotes" %in% installed.packages(lib.loc = pkgPath))

if (!"Require" %in% installed.packages(lib.loc = pkgPath) ||
    packageVersion("Require", lib.loc = pkgPath) < "0.3.1") {
                          upgrade = FALSE)

Require::Require(c("SpaDES", "DiagrammeR"), 
                 require = FALSE, upgrade = FALSE, 
                 dependencies = TRUE, standAlone = TRUE) ## automatically downloads all packages in the SpaDES family and their dependencies


setPaths(cachePath = file.path(mainPath, "cache"),
         inputPath = file.path(mainPath, "inputs"),
         modulePath = file.path(mainPath, "modules"),
         outputPath = file.path(mainPath, "outputs"))

## make a list of directory paths and check paths are ok
simPaths <- getPaths()

## Let's create a self-contained module that will simulate the species' abundance for any given period of time and frequency.
if (!dir.exists(file.path(simPaths$modulePath, "speciesAbundance"))) {
  newModule(name = "speciesAbundance", path = simPaths$modulePath)

if (!dir.exists(file.path(simPaths$modulePath, "temperature"))) {
  newModule(name = "temperature", path = simPaths$modulePath)

if (!dir.exists(file.path(simPaths$modulePath, "speciesTempLM"))) {
  newModule(name = "speciesTempLM", path = simPaths$modulePath)

## list the modules to use
simModules <- list("speciesAbundance", "temperature", "speciesTempLM")

## Set simulation and module parameters
simTimes <- list(start = 1, end = 10, timeunit = "year")
simParams <- list(
  speciesAbundance = list(simulationTimeStep = 1, 
                          .plotInitialTime = 1),
  temperature = list(simulationTimeStep = 1, 
                     .plotInitialTime = 1),
  speciesTempLM = list(statsTimestep = 5)

## Simulation setup
mySim <- simInit(times = simTimes, params = simParams, 
                 modules = simModules, paths = simPaths)



## run simulation
dev() # on Windows and Mac, this opens external device if using Rstudio, it is faster
mySim2 <- spades(mySim, debug = TRUE)